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Hello, and welcome to Spirit Talks. I am Paulette and allow me to introduce myself a little bit. 

I have been able to see, hear, and communicate with Spirit from a very young age. In fact, when I look back on my childhood, I realised I spent far more time with my invisible friends than my human friends. Yet I viewed this life as being the norm. Couldn’t everyone see and communicate with Spirit?

Evidently not. I was soon to discover that, when you talk to beings no one else can see, you are quickly viewed as a bit odd. You also spend an unordinary amount of time by yourself, being excluded from the usual games of chasey and hide and seek. Thus, primary school was not as fun as it could have been.

This exclusion did not improve as I entered high school, where, if you wore your hair the wrong way, you were ridiculed mercilessly until the offending hairstyle was removed. If you had the audacity to indulge in a curried egg sandwich for lunch, no one would get near you for the whole term. Therefore, I did what any unhappy teenager does – I tried to fit in and ignored Spirit. I endeavoured to remove them from my life as I felt they were a nuisance. 

I continued along my merry way (and it was indeed merry, as I began to drink in excess from 18 onwards), with very little thought to my invisible companions. Oh, they did try to reach me. They never stop trying, but, at this point, it was a one-sided relationship.

I am pretty sure they saved my life several times. Teenage binge drinking that extended into my mid-twenties meant that I did not always make smart choices. Yet, I came through them relatively unscathed. That, in itself, is miraculous.

It was at the mature age of 40, and after having my children, that I invited Spirit back in my life on a regular basis. By then (better late than never), I had developed a better and clearer understanding of who I was, and what Spirit wanted for me. 

With their help and my own determination to become better at life, I am now very comfortable with the fact that they are once again my constant companions. 

I would like to clarify that I am not a medium. I am not a reiki master. I have no formal qualification when it comes to spiritual practices. I am simply a clear channel for Spirit, and I translate the information they want to share with you/us. 

Currently, the group of beings that are bringing the information are known as The Collective. They are very powerful and are here to assist us as much as we allow them to. 

I hope you enjoy the energy of their words, and I can confidently say that you are never the same once Spirit talks to you!



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