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Obstacles Arising From Belief Systems

Greetings, curious souls. We are The Collective and We welcome you all this evening.

(This Message follows an evening with Paulette held at Soul Movement Studio

We are very happy to be amongst you! 

There are very many of Us gathered here, and you may feel Our presence in the form of touch or tingling sensations. This is because We are clearing and reshaping your energy fields. Why?

Because this is necessary in order for you to go out after this experience with an uplifted soul and an uplifted physical body. We see that many of you are tired. Many of you are battling with the day-to-day activities that this life is offering you at this moment. You are trying your best to navigate your way through this planetary life and the obstacles it presents.

Know that the obstacles you may be facing are in part created by your own thought-forms in response to what is happening around you. You may not be conscious of creating these forms, yet We lovingly say that indeed you have.

You are always creating. The Earth is always creating. You are part of the Earth, and the Earth is part of you. You are creating together. What is happening on the planet is affecting your creativity. Do you understand?

We offer this example: you are experiencing family conflict. You are discovering that family members are not pleasant to be around, and you do not wish to spend time with them. One part of you says that you should spend time with them. They are family. They are your blood. You should want to spend time with them. Yet, when you are amongst them, you feel isolated, angry, nervous, annoyed, everything but HAPPY with them. You have been conditioned to believe that spending time with family is important. It is expected. It is a MUST thing to do. You are led to believe that the idea of family is more important than how YOU feel about spending time with them. It does not matter that your mother may constantly put you down, or your uncle is always moaning about bad his life is, or your parents constantly fight, or even your daughter treats you nastily yet constantly wants things from you? They are family.

We say that the belief system present on your planet regarding family relationships is a thought form that has created an obstacle to distance yourself from those that seek to disempower you. You find it difficult to make plans to move away from toxic family relationships due to a sense of obligation and family commitment.

We have used family in Our example, but this applies to any type of relationship, whether it be in your personal world or your working world.
The belief system that jobs are hard to find may be an obstacle that prevents you from even looking for a new job or contemplating a new job.
The belief system that there are too many risks in starting up your own business may prevent you from investigating the idea of this further even though you have something wonderful in mind.

The belief system that the world is not safe and crime is rampant may trigger anxiety in feeling safe even in your own home.

The belief system that you will never be beautiful because you do not look like the models that adorn magazines and are on television may prevent you from seeing your own unique beauty.

The belief system that the world is in darkness because of what you are seeing and hearing on social media may prevent you from realising your own potential.

Do you understand Our words here? We repeat – the obstacles you may be currently facing are directly connected to what is happening on the world stage.

This is why We are clearing your energy field tonight. This is why behind every one of you is one of Us. Together you and We will assist you in creating a space that only you know. A place that is unique to you, for you are unique. You then will take this space with you when you leave here tonight, and it will serve as an anchor to help you move past fears, anxieties, and indecisiveness.

This is indeed not the end but rather the beginning!

The Collective.