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Focus on the NOW Moment

Greetings, curious souls.

Today We wish to talk about ways you can maintain your energy at this current time.

Your planet is undergoing a most intense restructuring. There is a weeding out of the lower vibrational energy while, at the same time ,there is incoming higher vibrational energy. This means that the planet is in transition mode

When transitioning occurs, this may bring confusion, uncertainty, and unrest. This is then reflected both on a planetary level and a personal level.

While the planet is transitioning and many outcomes are unknown, We encourage you to be as balanced as possible to help you avoid being swept along with the confusion. This can be helped by focusing on each day as it comes. Only giving your attention to each day. In this moment of your planet’s history, it is very difficult to forecast the future as it is so changeable. Focus on the Now as much as you are able.

We also encourage you to breathe deeper into your body. To allow the air to completely fill in and around the abdomen area. Deeper breathing, especially during stressful times, can help lift the vitality of the body and calm your mind.

Listen, read, and research data that is pertinent to the planet’s current situation. We encourage you to be informed. Information is power. Ignorance is no longer a viable option in the current circumstance. There are many souls conveying authentic information. Seek them out and feel what resonates with you. Different souls express the same information in a different way in order for information to be spread. Much like a radio station that operates on a different frequency, yet may play similar music. You simply prefer a certain radio station because it appeals to you. Oh, you may tune in to the other station now and again, but you ultimately revert back to your original choice. The offerings of that radio station resonate with you and so you tune in.

We offer this as a very simple example to illustrate our point, and We encourage you to gather information from different sources that resonate with you. 

As you become more aware of the true state of affairs, you are able to make more informed decisions.

To reiterate: 

  • Focus on the Now moment
  • Remember to breathe deeply (especially during anxious times)
  • Listen, read, and research data from different sources to help you understand what is happening on the planet and your role in it.

We are here to help you so please ask Us.

Until next time,

The Collective