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Australian Bushfires – A Message from Spirit

Greetings, Earth Children.

Your planet is burning. It has been burning for a very long time from the inside out.

Now though, those internal flames have become visible and are very much felt by all of Earth’s living creatures. Flames of destruction are raging across your country, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake. In some places, the sun is obscured by the smoke and flames. The sense of eeriness can be felt. Indeed we say to you that the Hell that is described in your holy books has been brought into your reality. 

We hear you ask, ‘Why is this happening? Why must innocents suffer such torment?’ We lovingly say to you that it is because the innocent are suffering that this is occurring, and we will explain. The earth is a living library, and the flora and fauna hold a particular form of frequency that is purer than that of human energy. In other words, Nature does not have the ego and holds the energy of balance. Everything that Nature is and does is about maintaining the balance, and, therefore, creates with the Earth Mother – not against her. 
With the ferocity of fires sweeping across the country killing everything in its wake, Nature’s agonising screams of fear and pain create such a crescendo of energy that it ripples across the universes and timelines. Such is the sound that it cannot be unheard. For it reaches deep into the consciousness of everything. In other words, the suffering of the innocents brings attention to the plight of your planet; it brings attention to the imbalances that have been plaguing the planet for thousands of years. It is a cry for help, and it cannot and will not be ignored. Indeed, we repeat, that this sound cannot be unheard, 
We have also explained that a small window of opportunity exists for a shift in consciousness between the years of 2012 and 2027. With such a small window, know that intense energies will be felt during this period. The energies experienced will be aimed at disempowering you and empowering you. You will be faced with these two choices: to be empowered or disempowered. It is that simple, and yet that complex. 
Your reaction to the burning of your country has created the energy of anger, grief, fear, helplessness, and judgement. And yet, amongst the chaos, there is unity, love, hope, resilience, courage, selfless, and support shining through. We say to you that after the destruction, begin to rebuild your country through the miracles that you hear about. By doing so, you are laying a firm foundation of light and are honouring the sacrifice of both human and animal. 
We feel your grief, anger, and fear, but we say to you that, as your Earth is burning and dying, she who is known as Gaia is transforming. She knew that this was going to happen. She informed the innocents of what would happen, and, as a united consciousness, they agreed to be a sacrifice for a greater cause: the evolution of your planet. Did this stop their pain and their suffering? No, but she endeavoured to lessen their pain as much as possible. Just as humans are fighting to save each other, their homes, their property, the animals, community, townships, and wildlife, Gaia fights for everything and more. She would not have allowed such a great sacrifice to be given if there was not the chance of rebirth and new creation. 
We also know that the pain that you are feeling at this moment is overwhelming and many of you have reached breaking point. To say that it is difficult to remain positive and stay strong at this time is indeed difficult, especially for those who are deeply connected to the Earth and nature. But it is for this very reason that you are here at this time, on this planet. You are specialists in this field. You have the strength and the capability to hold the energy and create the space for positive change to occur. You are the light of the planet. You hold the energy of new creation, and you are the hope of the world. 

We say to you, rebuild from the heart chakra rather than the base chakra and be united in your efforts to create a better world for yourself and the planet. As we have said, this is how you can honour the sacrifice of both human and animal.  

The Collective