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Remain Balanced and Positive

Balancing Pebbles

Greetings, curious souls.

How are you feeling amidst the tumultuous energy of your planet?

Are you endeavouring to remain balanced and as positive as possible? Are you feeling a little overwhelmed and helpless against the onslaught of fear and anger that is arising around the world?

If you are feeling disillusioned at current world events, We completely understand. From Our vantage point, We can see the swirling toxic energies, created by ego, dominating your way of life. Know also that We can see a grid of light covering your planet at the same time. This grid of light energy is composed of a higher vibrational energy, unlike anything ever witnessed in Earth’s history. Such is the power of this incoming energy, it has to flow in increments in order for it to form a solid foundation from which the New World can be built.

Please do not despair. There is much goodness happening at the same time; it is just that you cannot feel it. The magnitude of the outgoing toxic energy is very powerful. It has to be for it has dominated and controlled the planet for aeons of time and will not relinquish its power so easily.

During this time, We encourage you to seek out like-minded others who can be a support system as the Earth undergoes its rebirth. It is helpful to know there are other souls beside yourself that are experiencing a myriad of emotions and can relate to how you are feeling. The support of both human and non-physical light beings such as Ourselves will be of great help. Please use Us, and ask Us to assist you.

We remain yours in Spirit,

The Collective