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You Are Unique

Greetings and welcome.

We are very pleased that you are choosing to read Our words and We will endeavour to speak clearly and to the point.

In this moment, We are going to talk about the fact that you are a unique soul and to please consider how important this is.

Everything has its own unique frequency that cannot be copied or duplicated. This includes you. You are unique. You are special. You belong to something that is far greater than what We can express in words or even energy. You are part of Source. As are We.

As a unique expression of Source, the intention is to express yourself in a way that is divine to you. How you choose to do this is up to you and is made possible by the free-will choices you make on a day-to-day basis.

We have observed that many souls are choosing sameness. Many souls are allowing outside forces to define who they are. Such is the power and hold that these outside forces have on a person, that to step outside the perceived “norm” risks persecution and ridicule. This has been going on for centuries. The only difference is that, in your current age, it has the appearance of being more civilised. 

Let Us offer an example. Your social media very much encourage and advertises fashion trends. It places emphasis on what you should look like, and, if you do not fit into this outward appearance, you may feel inadequate. This feeling of inadequacy can lead to a sense of disempowerment; you begin to think less of yourself. You may view yourself as ugly. You may think, ‘Why am I not attractive. I wear these clothes and yet they do not look good on me’. We say to you: If you are trying to make yourself fit into something that is not right for you, then you will be disempowered. 

In Our observation, it is the person wanting to be the same as everyone else that is in real danger of feeling inadequate. The latest fashion trend may be suitable for some people, but not all. It does not mean that you are less than the person who wears the attire. It simply means that your style is different. Once you find a style that suits you, and you feel better wearing it, perceptions of a higher vibration come into play. You begin to feel attractive. You begin to feel confident. 

This is a very simple example, but it can be applied to other areas of your life including the big one: relationships. If you are trying to fit into someone else’s idea of who they want you to be, then disempower will be the conclusion. 

Sameness brings very little opportunity for change. It does not promote creativity. Yet your society very much promotes and encourages sameness. It wants you to think the same, act the same, look the same… and so it goes on. You are not robots. You are human expressions of Source. You are not the same. You are unique. Be proud of your uniqueness, and endeavour to show it off in the best and healthiest ways possible.

We are aware that to express who you are really are can be difficult. You risk the fear of ridicule, loneliness, exile, and, in some cases, death. We understand this. We see this happening to many of you.

If, at this current time, it is not safe to express who you really are, then have the intention that it is possible for you. By holding the intention, change can occur. 

We encourage you to not lose hope or sight of who you really are, regardless of your current circumstance. You are very much cherished for your courage to be on Earth at this time.

Remember there is no one like you in existence!

Until next time,

The Collective