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Welcome to Spirit Talks

Welcome to Spirit Talks with Paulette.

The main intention of Spirit Talks is to give you hope, encouragement, and information. Despite the turmoil and unrest that is happening on a global scale, there are lots of good things that are occurring on the planet. We do not hear or see too many of the positive experiences, but they are happening every minute of every day. Please know this.

If you have been drawn to this website, then chances are you are part of the positive change that can occur on this planet. You are very important. Even if you do not feel this is the case, you are indeed important. Every soul is important. Every soul is being called to lift their awareness and to look beyond what is currently being played out on the world stage. 

If you would like to know more, then I invite you to click on The Collective. Here, you will be introduced to The Collective who are a group of energy beings that I have been conversing with over many years. See if They resonate with you. If They do not, then this is ok. The important point is that you are curious and are seeking answers. So, continue on…

Messages from Spirit

Australian Bushfires – A Message from Spirit

Greetings, Earth Children. Your planet is burning. It has been burning for a very long time from the inside out. Now though, those internal flames have become visible and are…

Obstacles Arising From Belief Systems

Greetings, curious souls. We are The Collective and We welcome you all this evening. (This Message follows an evening with Paulette held at Soul Movement Studio)  We are very happy…

Remain Balanced and Positive

Greetings, curious souls. How are you feeling amidst the tumultuous energy of your planet? Are you endeavouring to remain balanced and as positive as possible? Are you feeling a little…

Focus on the NOW Moment

Greetings, curious souls. Today We wish to talk about ways you can maintain your energy at this current time. Your planet is undergoing a most intense restructuring. There is a…

You Are Unique

Greetings and welcome. We are very pleased that you are choosing to read Our words and We will endeavour to speak clearly and to the point. In this moment, We…

Healing Services

Spiritual Healing Session

I have been leading one-on-one spirit sessions for over 15 years, and this is a wonderful way to connect with Spirit and yourself. There is a sense of calmness and stillness that can be felt. Afterwards, many people feel enlightened, refreshed, and rejuvenated.

Spirit are very visual with me, and I describe as best as I can what is happening, so I do tend to talk a fair bit. There are periods of silence when you can tap into the energy that is being offered, and whatever transpires is always to help you move through or away from what may be troubling you. Many of us can use a little help from time to time. and this is a wonderful opportunity to receive it.

Sessions last for one hour and are $100 AUD.

Skype sessions can be offered for distance sessions.



House Cleansing

House Clearings are a wonderful and powerful way to ensure that your home and/or business is free from any energies that may hinder your sense of peace and calm.

From time to time, people feel that there is something amiss in their house or place of business. If you have a sense that something may be present, and you are not comfortable, then a clearing would be recommended. It is a simple process that takes around 60 to 90 minutes depending on the size of the house/business. I then take you through each room and explain what is going on and how you may be feeling around these areas. As I walk through with you, Spirit begins the clearing process.

The clearing only needs to occur once, and the cost is $250 AUD for an average sized home with a travelling distance of less than one hour from Adelaide’s North East. Larger premises and longer travelling times can be quoted during our initial discussion.

Biocom Therapy

Bioresonance Therapy (BRT) is a gentle and painless treatment that is suitable for people of all ages, from infants to the elderly.

It identifies unhealthy frequencies caused by toxins or other stressors and resets the cellular frequencies to their normal levels, allowing the body to regulate its own physiological processes effectively.

Introduced over 30 years ago in Germany, there are now over 6,000 practitioners in Europe and over 90 in Australia.

I have a large range of homeopathic vial test kits where each vial contains the frequency of a substance. My test kits include viruses, fungi, bacteria’s, hormones, amino acids, and of course foods such as wheat, gluten and dairy that often proves troublesome to individuals. Using these vials and the Bicom machine, I determine what is causing you to feel unwell, and I set about correcting these disturbances to help your body resume its own self-regulatory processes.

Spirit Talks - Book One

The planet is entering a new era. Transformative and powerful energies, unlike the Earth has ever encountered are flowing on to the planet to help shift mass consciousness.

A group of energy beings known as “The Collective” offer new insights into what is occurring on this planet at this time, and suggestions on how to navigate your way through this current experience.

If you are ready to explore the possibility that all is not as it seems then this book is for you.

Beautifully channelled and simply written, ‘Spirit Talks” is one of the most transformative books present today.

You truly are never the same once Spirit Talks to you!

Spirit Talks Book One Paulette


"I am slowly reading this book, stopping and taking in what is said, questioning it and myself on certain points. I have bought a copy for a friend and hoping it will help her too. Thank you Paulette it is a wonderful book!" - Ros

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Please feel free to contact Paulette with any questions or feedback.
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